New Spirit of Arcadia Campaign Goal
At the November 2 Lutheran Camp Association board of director’s meeting, the board voted to raise the The Spirit of Arcadia campaign from $3.0 million to $3.7 million to accommodate the new projects. The new projects include an Inn ventilation system and an Inn east room addition that includes two universally accessible private bathrooms to […]
Beach Update: Small Pocket Beach Solution

While we are very grateful that the large pocket beach, where guests swim, is performing well under the intense fall storms, the small pocket beach (kayaks and SUPs usage area) has not worked as planned. There is too much wave energy and not enough back-beach area for the waves to dissipate. Camp staff and board […]
New Projects Added to Spirit of Arcadia Campaign
At its November 2, 2018 meeting the Lutheran Camp Association(LCA) board of directors approved new projects to be added to the scope of the Spirit of Arcadia: Building for the Future – Stage One. Driven by a desire to make the Camp Arcadia experience accessible to as many people as possible the LCA board approved […]
Beach Upland Improvements Update

While Camp is closed for the season, there is a lot of activity occurring. Construction workers are putting in long days in some pretty tough weather to complete the upland improvements for the beach — wooden decks, walkways and sitting areas. These projects are planned to be completed by the end of the calendar year. Check […]
Spirit of Arcadia Building Projects Update

We will be breaking ground in the next month on the Inn East addition for the expansion of the kitchen and laundry areas. This provides additional storage for the kitchen, larger bathrooms and changing area for the staff, additional staff dining space, and industrial washing machines in the laundry area. The Inn North Stairs enclosure […]