“Generous Peace” – A Poem by Linda Christenson

Day blends seamlessly into night here.
There is no stark contrast or surprise of darkness as the sun makes its way toward horizon’s edge —
no remarkable sign that evening has come and daytime activity must cease.

And so, though maybe a little bit quieter now, activity continues
as the full, regular sound of water reaching earth plays a flawless accompaniment.
A star, then two, appear in the still-lit sky… bashfully, as though unsure of their timing.


Improbable friends stand or walk,
Or swing or rock as they sit talking,

A welcome, familiar breeze holds me intently,
embracing me fully;
reminding me of the One whose love is unmatched.

I watch as the same friendly breeze blows tufts of hair off young faces marked by water, sweat and earth.

Breath becomes deeper, fuller.
Hearts literally slow their beating,
and metaphorically overflow with every good thing.

There is no stark contrast
as the pink and orange sunlight bids farewell
and countless stars now fill the sky with bright confidence.

Seamlessly, day has become night.
All that occupied the heart, mind an body has graciously given way to the comfort and generous peace of the Spirit.

Linda Christenson
(Camp Arcadia, July 2017)

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