Dates & Rates

Nestled in small town Arcadia, Michigan, Camp Arcadia is a charming, 100-year-old Christian family camp with Lutheran roots located right on the shores of Lake Michigan.

Open from Memorial Day through the last weekend in October, Camp Arcadia offers retreats for individuals and families of all ages.

Family Retreats

Camp Arcadia has something for everyone! The wide array of activities offered each day will keep even the most active member of the family busy all day.

Week 1 (June 22 – 28) – Michael Zeigler & Shelly Schwalm

Week 2 (June 29 – July 5) – Gabe Kasper & Ryan Peterson

Week 3 (July 6 – 12) – Scott Bruzek & Arthur Just with Kevin Hildebrand

Week 4 (July 13 – 19) – Matt Popovits & Sarah Salzberg with Bob Unger

Week 5 (July 20 – 26) – John Nunes & Chad Foster with Bob Unger

Week 6 (July 27 – August 2) – Scott Christenson & Warren Lattimore with Bob Unger

Week 7 (August 3 – 9) – David Zahl & Ryan Tinetti with Bob Unger

Week 8 (August 10 – 16) – Chris & Ashley Paavola

Week 9 (August 17 – 23) – Mark Scholtz & Benjamin Parviz

Labor Day Weekend  (August 29 – September 1) – Matt Hoffmann

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Adults (18+) $750 per adult
Teens (14-17) $570 per teen
Youth (7-13) $420 per youth
Children (3-6) $290 per child
Babies (0-2) $0 per baby

Housing Surcharges (onsite guests only)

Single Occupant Inn Room +$125
Inn – Private Bathroom +$405
Aspen Cottage (1-2 guests)  +$425
Birch Cottage (6-8 guests) +$560
Spruce Cottage (4-6 guests) +$561
Cedar Cottage (8-9 guests) +$600
Juniper Cottage (12-16 guests) +$717

Read more about our cottages


Adults (18+) $475 per adult
Teens (14-17) $355 per teen
Youth (7-13) $260 per youth
Children (3-6) $130 per child
Babies (0-2) $0 per baby

Minimum Deposit (Onsite or Offsite): $175


Adults (18+) $335 per adult
Teens (14-17) $305 per teen
Youth (7-13) $210 per youth
Children (3-6) $160 per child
Babies (0-2) $0 per baby

Housing Surcharges (Only applicable to onsite guests who select housing listed below.)

Single Occupant Inn Room +$50
Inn – Private Bathroom +$165
Aspen Cottage (1-2 guests)  +$180
Birch Cottage (6-8 guests) +$215
Spruce Cottage (4-6 guests) +$215
Cedar Cottage (8-9 guests) +$237
Juniper Cottage (12-16 guests) +$280

Read more about our cottages


Adults (18+) $215 per adult
Teens (14-17) $200 per teen
Youth (7-13) $135 per youth
Children (3-6) $105 per child
Babies (0-2) $0 per baby

Minimum Deposit (Onsite or offsite): $125

Summer Teen Retreats

Whether singing at the top of your lungs during our late-night worship service (Vespers), eating ice cream in a booth with 10 of your new friends, or sitting on the patio and talking about life with your counselor, Camp Arcadia’s Teen Retreats offer the perfect start to the summer!

Alpha Teen Retreat | June 8 – 14 | Travis Hartjen

Omega Teen Retreat | June 15 – 21 | Matt Popovits & Tanner Olson

$580 per teen

Minimum Deposit Per Guest: $250

Summer Starter

As Camp Arcadia’s first retreat of the season, Summer Starter is for adult guests who are interested in experiencing a more “independent” Camp Arcadia experience.

Summer Starter| May 31 – June 6 | Brian West

Onsite Adults (18+) – $615 per adult
Offsite Adults (18+) – $399 per adult

Housing Surcharges (Only applicable to onsite guests who choose the following housing options.)

Inn – Private Bathroom +$340
Aspen Cottage (1-2 guests)  +$340
Birch Cottage (6-8 guests) +$375
Spruce Cottage (4-6 guests) +$375
Cedar Cottage (8-9 guests) +$450
Juniper Cottage (12-16 guests) +$560

Read more about our cottages

Minimum Deposit (Onsite or Offsite): $200


Lutherhostel is a late-August retreat for older adults arriving Saturday afternoon and departing on Thursday after lunch.

August 23 – 28 | Fred Neidner & John Glover

Onsite Adults (18+) $580 per adult
Offsite Adults (18+) $375 per adult

Housing Surcharges (Only applicable for guests who select the following housing options)

Inn – Private Bathroom +$340
Aspen Cottage (1-2 guests)  +$340
Birch Cottage (6-8 guests) +$375
Spruce Cottage (4-6 guests) +$375
Cedar Cottage (8-9 guests) +$450
Juniper Cottage (12-16 guests) +$560

Read more about our cottages

Minimum Deposit: $200

Women's Retreats

Looking for a weekend to rest and be refreshed in the midst of the busy fall season? Camp Arcadia’s Women’s Retreats are just what you need!

Women’s Retreat I | September 12-14 | Gretchen Ronnevik

Women’s Retreat II | September 19-21 | Jan Struck (Limited Availability)

Onsite Adults (18+) $275 per adult
Offsite Adults (18+) $190 per adult

Housing Surcharges

Arriving Thursday +$65 per person
Staying in a Camp Cottage +$37 per person

Minimum Deposit $125

Men's Retreats

Camp Arcadia offers two different men’s retreats each season: the Lutheran Laymen League (LLL) Men’s Retreat and the Arcadia Men’s Retreat. 

LLL Men’s Retreat  | September 4-7 | David Davis

Arcadia Men’s Retreat | September 26-28 | Andy Root with Gabe Kasper, Chaplain

LL Men’s Retreat

Onsite Adults (18+) $290 per/adult

Housing Surcharges

Staying in a Camp Cottage or Single Occupant Inn Room +$37 per person

Minimum Deposit $125


Arcadia Men’s Retreat

Onsite Adults (18+) $275 per/adult
Offsite Adults (18+) $190 per/adult

Housing Surcharges

Single Occupancy Surcharge +$140 per person
Arriving Thursday +$65 per person
Staying in a Camp Cottage +$37 per/person

Minimum Deposit $125

Fall Confirmation Retreats

Whether playing basketball, walking through the woods or enjoying an ice cream cone, Camp Arcadia’s Fall Confirmation Retreats offer confirmands in 6th through 8th grade opportunities to connect with their pastor, youth leaders, and fellow students in a beautiful retreat setting along the shores of Lake Michigan.

FCR I | October 3 – 5 | Brian King

FCR II | October 10 – 12 | Scott Giger

FCR III | October 17 – 19 | AJ Vega

Adult Leaders (18+) $135 per adult
Youth $175 per youth

Minimum Deposit $50

Volunteer Weekends

Help care for Camp Arcadia by volunteering during our Opening and Closing Weekends. For both volunteer weekends, meals and lodging are free of charge in exchange for your time, effort and energy as volunteers.

Over Opening Weekend, volunteers come together to clean, rake, paint, build, and prepare the buildings for the coming summer season. Volunteers should come prepared to work efficiently to accomplish many tasks over the course of this weekend. 

Closing Weekend is when we prepare Camp for the winter. Come enjoy a weekend of work, fellowship and FREE ICE CREAM!

Contact the Camp office for further information about either volunteer weekend!

Opening Weekend | May 23-26

Closing Weekend | October 24-26

Registration is open!

Registration opens December 1!