Family Retreat Lite Availability as July 25, 2020

Below is our availability in the Family Retreat Lite weeks and what spaces are available. As you look through this list remember that there are no surcharges for private bathrooms or cottages. A hallway bathroom means that you are in a traditional Inn room but you will have designated a public restroom for private use. […]
Thank You Volunteers and Staff!

Thank you to the volunteers and staff that worked tirelessly to get Camp ready for the season. With our opening volunteer weekend cancelled we had a seemingly endless list of tasks to do to get Camp ready for the season. We could not have done it if weren’t for the hard work and dedication of […]
2020 RKD Challenge

With so many things in our lives being cancelled, we thought it would be good time to actually start something. So, this summer is the first summer of the RKD Challenge – a run, bike, and paddle tri-sport for the whole family. RKD Challenge Reporting Form Here is what you need to know about the […]
New Archery Range & Shed

Camp Arcadia is blessed to have a new archery range and a brand new shed to store the archery equipment. The range is in the same location it was before but it is wider and more level. This off-season we were required to put in a new septic tank and field for our kitchen waste […]
Family Retreat Lite Availability as June 16, 2020

We still have room in many of our family weeks for the summer. Everyone that sent in a registration by June 5 is registered and will receive a confirmation email by the end of the week. Below is our availability in the Family Retreat Lite weeks and what spaces are available. As you look through […]