September 6, 2017 Update by Chip May
Thanks to the members of the Camp Arcadia family for the support we have received over the past few weeks in response to the beach crisis. I am thankful to report that that the lake has been relatively calm over the past couple weeks, and that further erosion has been minimal. (If this is the first time you are hearing about the beach crisis and you would to learn more about it click here: Beach Erosion Crisis Update.)
The Spirit of Arcadia Campaign (SOA), which began this past May, currently has pledges of around $1,000,000. I continue to be humbled by the willingness of so many to support this campaign. I, along with more than 20 volunteers, will continue to meet with Camp supporters as part of our effort to fully fund Stage One of the Spirit of Arcadia. If you would like to talk with me about financially supporting the SOA Campaign, please contact me by email at chip@camp-arcadia.com or by phone (231) 889-4361. Additionally, if you would like a reminder of what is included in Stage One, please click here.
As you may recall, at last year’s annual meeting in St. Joseph, MI, the LCA membership approved proceeding with the Spirit of Arcadia Campaign, with the parameters that work would not commence until 90% of the cost had been raised and 50% of the cash was in hand. Additionally, it was stated that debt would be limited to a 5 years.
In response to the current beach situation, and upon the recommendation of our coastal engineering firm – SmithGroup JJR, camp management, along with the Lutheran Camp Association’s (LCA) Board of Directors, feel strongly that it would be irresponsible to wait any longer than is necessary to address the current beach crisis.
As such, at the upcoming November 4th LCA annual meeting, again in St. Joseph, MI, we will be asking the membership for approval to waive these parameters in regards to the beach component of SOA, Stage One. While we still hope to limit debt to a 5 year term, the LCA Board does not feel that we would be acting as good stewards of our property to wait until 90% of the funds are pledged, and 50% of the cash is in hand.
The beach project is estimated to cost around $1.7 million, but we will have more accurate cost projections after the construction drawings are completed and a contractor has been selected.
Camp Management and the LCA Board are working to identify possible funding sources, striving to keep our borrowing costs as low as possible.
Our coastal engineering firm – SmithGroup JJR – is working on the final construction drawings and starting to vet contractors. We are also still waiting for the permit to be approved and are doing all we can to speed that process up.
- September: Permit is approved and final construction drawings completed.
- October: Contractors bid on the project.
- November: LCA membership approves going forward. A contractor is chosen and construction begins. Loans are secured.
- December: Construction begins and we are able to protect the shoreline in front of our buildings.
- March – June: Construction continues and the rest of the project is completed before the start of family weeks.
We encourage all to stay engaged. This is an important and crucial time in Camp’s history. We will need the support of all of the Camp Arcadia community to preserve Camp for future generations. We will be sending out timely updates in the coming weeks and months. Please continue to keep Camp Arcadia in your prayers.