Wonder #6: The Sound of Worship
Communal worship is one of the hallmarks of the Camp Arcadia experience. Each season, in many forms and fashions, God’s people are united in song, contemplation and prayer to one another and with God himself – truly a wonder!
For this week’s wonder, I wanted to share a few reflections from guests on two very different worship experiences at Camp: Arcadia Evening Prayer and Teen Week Vespers. Some would say that they are polar opposite experiences, and yet… they are united in what matters most: adoration for God and time spent worshipping in spirit and in truth.
Arcadia Evening Prayer
Several nights each Family Week as well as some women’s retreats and Lutherhostel retreats, as the sun sets over Lake Michigan, you may hear a bell ring and watch as a stream of families and individuals quietly walk into the Assembly Building. What follows is a dearly loved worship opportunity at Camp Arcadia: Arcadia Evening Prayer.
Since 2010, Camp’s guests have been invited to end the day in worship and peace. Arcadia Evening Prayer is a contemplative worship service held by candlelight influenced by the Taize Community and Holden Village styles of evening worship. Led by a cantor or musician, Arcadia Evening Prayer holds rhythms of silence, song, and readings of scripture and devotional reflections, drawing guests into a simple and meditative time of worship.
The quietness of this experience invites deep reflection – whether simply on the day itself or on more complicated, ongoing situations of life. This time to reflect, to pause in the silence and stillness is something that draws people back to Arcadia Evening Prayer again and again. One guest shared in a survey this year, “Attending Arcadia Evening Prayer feels like coming home.”
The perfect end to a day at Camp Arcadia is the stillness of Evening Prayer. The setting of candlelight, psalms and quiet prayer help focus our thoughts and worship on Jesus, our Creator, who is so easily visible throughout the week.
Aaron & Mandy Roggow
Teen Week Vespers
On the other end of this spectrum is a Teen Week Vespers service. While there are moments of quiet and calm in these times of worship, too, a “Vespers” experience is not often first described as quiet!
What starts off similarly to a dance party with fun, Camp songs transitions skillfully to worship, and then all of a sudden, the Round Up (or Chapel on the Beach or Beach) is filled with the sound of teenagers singing with full voices to their Savior. Two Teen Retreat leaders, Alex Homann and Brian McKenna share their reflections:
I usually stand at the back of the room for vespers where I get to see what's going on in the room. There's a part of me that's back there watching out for shenanigans, but the best part of standing at the back is getting to watch all of the teens getting into the music. The fun songs like JOY and Rock and Roll Jesus Loves Me are almost funny to watch, but when we start to slow down, right before the message, and when we sing our closing song, they put their arms around each other, friends new and old, swaying and singing. It's a very unifying thing, to know that everyone who is there is connected through the song.
I particularly love the last vespers of the week, where we end with Sanctuary. The sounds of those teens lifting up their voices, asking God to keep them safe and help them to live their lives through him as a "sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true" is a beautiful moment. Knowing that to live in this world as a Christian can be a hard task, but that He is there to help with the burden and that He has surrounded them with a great cloud of witnesses in the teens and counselors and Camp Arcadia staff to help support them and uplift them in their faith is one of the best gifts that Camp can provide. I can't tell you how proud and blessed I feel to be a part of that moment of wonder.Alex Homann, Teen Retreat Counselor
Being in vespers as you listen to the teens sing their hearts out is a profoundly moving experience that evokes a deep sense of wonder and connection to God. And no matter the setting, in the roundup or at the chapel on the beach, when the teens begin to sing, their voices rise together, creating a beautiful tapestry of sound that resonates throughout the space, truly awe-inspiring. Each note is filled with genuine emotion, and you can hear their passion and devotion in every lyric. It’s more than just singing; it’s a heartfelt expression of their faith and love for God. The sincerity in their voices draws you in, making you feel part of something larger—an act of worship that transcends individual experiences.
Brian McKenna, Teen Retreat Sr Counselor
These are just a few snapshots of how God uses Camp Arcadia to bless families and individuals each and every year. We are grateful for your partnership in what God is doing through Camp! If you’d like to join us as a partner in ministry, consider making a gift to Camp Arcadia in support of our mission to provide renewal in spirit, mind and body for each and every guest.
Registration for our 2025 Retreats is open now – learn more or submit your registration form today: www.camp-arcadia.com/register. The 2025 Priority Deadline is January 7th.