Camp Arcadia is blessed to have a new archery range and a brand new shed to store the archery equipment. The range is in the same location it was before but it is wider and more level. This off-season we were required to put in a new septic tank and field for our kitchen waste and the archery range was the best location to put it. So, the new range is on top of this new septic field.
The more exciting story is the one involving Jason Gottschalk. Jason, no stranger to opening weekend projects (just check out the grill pavilion that he built last year) took on the job of building the new archery shed … at his home in the Detroit area. So, not only did Jason build the shed himself, but he had to build it in a way that he could dismantle it, drive it to Camp and then build it again. That is exactly what he did. About a week ago, Jason took down the shed that had been in his garage and then his driveway, stacked it on a trailer he rented, drove it to Camp, and built it again at the archery range.
Thank you Jason for going to great measures to build an amazing archery shed, complete with vents and windows, and delivering it to Camp Arcadia. Your dedication to Camp’s ministry is inspiring.
In the coming weeks you’ll be seeing more stories of dedicated Arcadians that have gone above and beyond this year to make sure Camp Arcadia is ready to open for its 98th season.