Beach Upland Improvements Update

While Camp is closed for the season, there is a lot of activity occurring. Construction workers are putting in long days in some pretty tough weather to complete the upland improvements for the beach — wooden decks, walkways and sitting areas. These projects are planned to be completed by the end of the calendar year. Check […]
Spirit of Arcadia Building Projects Update

We will be breaking ground in the next month on the Inn East addition for the expansion of the kitchen and laundry areas. This provides additional storage for the kitchen, larger bathrooms and changing area for the staff, additional staff dining space, and industrial washing machines in the laundry area. The Inn North Stairs enclosure […]
Barn Party Photos!
We had a great time celebrating the completion of the Camp Barn over Closing Weekend! Many thanks to everyone who came to celebrate with us! Here are a few photos from the evening!
Juniper Cottage Interiors
Spirit of Arcadia Update – August 23, 2018
On June 22, the day before we welcomed our first family week guests of 2018, the construction crew packed up their equipment and gear and left town after three months of 11-hour days and six-day work weeks. Two hundred and fifty feet of steel sea wall and 6,000 tons of rock later we can […]