Find Out Who is on Summer Staff for 2010

Program Jonathon Becker, St. Louis, MO, Valparaiso Univ. * Sarah Williams, Carmel, IN, Vanderbilt Univ. * Hillary Johnson, Naperville, IL, Hope College * Allison Pentecost, Holt, MI, Grand Valley State *

Come Home to Camp Arcadia

We look forward to you coming to Camp Arcadia this summer. We have an outstanding group of speakers and lots of fun and fellowship planned for this summer! We do still have openings for several retreats, but encourage you to consider Family Week with Dr. John Nunes August 21 – 28. As usual, the glory […]

Hey! This is a New Website

We’ve been hard at work over the past several months developing this new website.  We know there are still some bugs and want to hear of problems

Camp Arcadia’s 8th and 9th Grade Retreat

At the Camp Arcadia teen weeks, our ministry goal is to assist, encourage, and challenge teens – to live and grow as God’s people – in a Christian community. “As parents our prayer was that this week would be a week of deep spiritual growth for our son. It truly was that

Look in the soup pot!

Find out what is typically on the menu at Camp Arcadia here. Meals are almost exclusively made from scratch by our kitchen staff. We take an enormous amount of pride in the quality