New Archery Range & Shed

Camp Arcadia is blessed to have a new archery range and a brand new shed to store the archery equipment. The range is in the same location it was before but it is wider and more level. This off-season we were required to put in a new septic tank and field for our kitchen waste […]
Family Retreat Lite Availability as June 16, 2020

We still have room in many of our family weeks for the summer. Everyone that sent in a registration by June 5 is registered and will receive a confirmation email by the end of the week. Below is our availability in the Family Retreat Lite weeks and what spaces are available. As you look through […]
New Shoreline Protection Installed

With Lake Michigan at record levels, Camp Arcadia continues to invest in shoreline protection to make sure our building and grounds are safe. This spring as we took a look at how our shoreline held through the winter we noticed that our most southern section of our beach was vulnerable. This is the area just […]