The 2011 LCA Meeting will be held on November 5th at 10:00 am EST in St. Joseph, MI. All LCA Members are welcome and encouraged to attend.
The Lutheran Camp Association (LCA) is the group of about 1,000 families, men and women who own and operate Camp Arcadia. This group of committed Arcadians supports Camp’s unique ministry and mission. The LCA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Members of the association elect board members, vote on important issues, and are given the opportunity to register early for a vacation at Camp Arcadia. You can find more information on becoming an LCA member here.
The meeting will be held at The Boulevard Inn & Bistro in downtown St. Joseph, MI. There will be a catered lunch offered for a nominal charge. If you plan to attend the meeting please call the camp office at (231) 889-4361. For directions to The Boulevard Inn & Bistro, you may click here.
If you can’t be at the meeting in person, you are still able to participate – just send your proxy to another LCA member who will be attending the meeting, or to the Camp office. Proxies that are sent to the Camp office that are not designated to a particular person will be evenly distributed among members of the LCA Board of Directors.
If you would like to see the information on the nominees, review the proposed by-law changes, or download a blank proxy form click here.
The strength of Camp Arcadia lies in it’s membership and their support – it always has. We need your voice to be heard. At the Annual Meeting we conduct important business including the election of LCA Board members and Arcadia Foundation Committee members as well as important by-law changes.
We hope to see many of you in St. Joe’s on November 5th!