Tennis at Camp Arcadia

The following excerpt from “Camp Arcadia – The First Sixty Years” by Frank W. Miller (1982, J.B. Publications) gives us perspective on how tennis has been a part of Camp for much of its 90 year history.

“Although it had been promised for the first summer, the initial clay tennis court was not constructed until the early summer of 1924. Some confusion has existed regarding whether one or two courts were built at that time. However, early photos clearly show only one court in existence. The probably cause of the confusion may be found in early local newspaper accounts which refer to the construction of a ‘fine double tennis court.’ The intent was, apparently, to show that the court was lined for doubles play as well as singles.

“A concrete tennis court was constructed in 1927 between the Inn and the Administration Building. The Onekama Lake Breeze gave the story front-page treatment…

“This court served admirably as both tennis and volleyball facility until 1947, when it was converted to the Plaza [now referred to as the Patio]. In order to replace this lost facility, an additional concrete court had been constructed the previous year on the site of the badminton court north of the Administration Building. These two courts, now known as the ‘Lake’ and ‘Woods’ courts, assume the dual functions of tennis and volleyball courts. Later, after the courts were resurfaced and lights installed for evening play, they became the center for square dancing. From time to time, discussions have been held regarding the construction of a third court. But cost and location remain major roadblocks.”

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