The 8th & 9th Grade Teen Retreat (June 12 – 18) has been a tradition at Camp Arcadia for decades and is a critical part of our mission. Very often, it is a defining point in a camper’s faith journey.
“The experience of [Teen] Retreats is such a powerful and lasting one. Being uplifted in the Spirit, being in such a beautiful place, expressing your faith with so many that share the bond of being redeemed by Christ’s sacrifice, make those weeks an unforgettable and life-altering moment in one’s life.” Erik Smith
Do you know someone the right age who has not yet registered for this retreat? Consider how you might help someone on their faith journey by encouraging them to attend the 8th & 9th Grade Retreat this year.
“Memories from that week…can still bring chills and tears to me when I think back… I still have contact with friends I met 25+ years ago. Such an important age, and such a powerful place…I can hardly wait to send my daughter for her first experience ‘alone’ this June for [this retreat]!!” Heather Gottschalk Swinsick
“It was a very strong, spiritual experience that I still remember to this day. It was very important to my growth and experience as a Christian woman to share my faith with so many other kids my age. I look forward to sending my daughter!” Heather Morrical Yodts
Get more information here or by calling the office at (231) 889-4361.