“We first started coming to Camp 12 years ago when we were looking for a place to have our “Annual Roskam Highlife Family Reunions”. These have been going on since 1990 when my brothers and sisters became very intentional about creating an opportunity for our kids to know each other as they grew up. We had spread out all over the country and were afraid that the next generation of Roskams would not know each other. It worked! As a result of the time that our 16 kids spent together they are now young adults all over the world and are in relationship with each other. We gathered every year from 1990 until 2007 when there started to be attrition due to changes in jobs and kids growing up. It has now reached the point where the only family that is able to come to Camp is ours along with my Mom and Dad.
“At first it was really strange to be at Camp without the other 22 members of our extended family and I genuinely mourned the loss of our time together. But then a funny thing happened –- we made lots of new friends! Dear and wonderful people that have become our new Camp Family. So, while I will always cherish the time that I spent with my parents, brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews and am thrilled with the relationships that have grown out of our Camp Arcadia experiences, it has now changed into a different and equally wonderful experience for our family.”