Camp Arcadia’s shoreline is eroding faster that anticipated and our buildings could be in jeopardy. Below are videos and pictures taken this month – August, 2017. We have seen around 15 feet of beach erode in this time period. Click here to learn about the beach erosion crisis and what actions Camp Arcadia is taking.

7 Responses
All I can say is best described by an emoji :😰
Are lakeshore properties south of the new, deeper entrance/stone jetty into the lake having the same erosion ?
Agree, we need to do something NOW.
Prayers are with RKD and God to stop all frontage erosion, that all will be saved. God knows that RKD is a place to bring his word to Christians and families all over the USA for many, many years. God is great and he is present everyday at RKD. Amen
Now that RKD is a National Historic Site, is there any way that designation will get us some help in preserving it?
I am just about to send that info on to the State Historic Preservation Office to remind them of our status. Maybe it will help the permit to be approved faster.
It is necessary to take action NOW, I approve of the Boards action to whatever is necessary to reestablish our lake front
I remember when the lake waves were washing up against the concrete observation deck in front of the Inn some thirty years ago. The water level was so high that over spray from large waves would splash against the west side of the Assembly Building. There were fears that the Assembly building would be damaged by erosion. Tons of broken concrete was dumped between the sidewalk & lake in order to save the building from lake damage. Lets hope that a solution for out current problems comes about soon.
I can remember when I was about 10 years old, there was a bad storm in the middle of the night and my father was out there with the other men filling sandbags and stacking them by the sidewalk. Lake water was up to the sidewalk!
Preserving RKD heritage should be a priority.