The children and youth morning program is an important part of Camp Arcadia’s ministry. This summer Kyle DeWees, Camp’s program director, made some significant changes to the program. The goal of the restructuring is to meet the diverse needs of the campers interests and to take advantage of the beautiful natural environment at Camp Arcadia.

This year,” said Program Director Kyle DeWees, “we have introduced a new ‘rotational’ model for the morning program. The youth have a choice between Nature or Drama and Craft or Team. By providing a choice for the youth, we hope that they will be more excited about participating and engaging in the lesson and the activities.”

Nature activities could involve hikes, berry picking, or other projects with Nature Girl Sarah Rose. The Drama session involves improv work and learning a skit to perform at the Camper Talent Show toward the end of the week. Craft time includes time in the Craft Shop decorating sets and props for the skit, as well as a variety of other art projects. Finally, Team activities consist of active games and sports.

The changes to the youth morning program are in a continued effort to provide the best programming possible for our guests. The Youth Morning Program not only provides time for the youth to meet peers who they will be living in community with for the week, but it also offers the chance to learn and grow in their faith in a new and unique setting,” said DeWees.

Although the children have opportunities to branch off, they begin and end their morning each day together as a large Kindergarten-8th grade group. This time together consists of singing, dancing, and watching skits put on by Program Staffers. Age groups also have the chance to experience Bible Study together in a smaller group setting.

Although the changes are still being implemented, Kyle DeWees feels that the Morning Program will only continue to improve.

This is the beginning of the improvements,” he said. “We haven’t solved all the challenges yet, but we are excited about the direction we are heading.”

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