I still remember the day clearly. I was sitting on the patio in front of the Inn talking with Kurt Harvey, my then boss, as I was a member of the kitchen staff. He asked what my future looked like and what I wanted to do after I finished school that fall. I replied, “Go to Honduras to teach.” I had heard of Honduras but it wasn’t something I had seriously considered at that point. It just popped into my head; clearly it was God telling me where to go. Kurt then asked what steps I had to take to reach my goal. After making a list of what I needed to do, I set out to work on the application to teach at International School Tegucigalpa, Honduras (IST).
Early the next year I was offered a position to teach third grade at IST. I accepted the position and moved south in August 2008, one year after my conversation with Kurt. Little did I know what God had in store for me when I moved to Honduras.
Through teaching at IST I became connected with The Micah Project, a non-profit organization that serves as a Christian group home for troubled teenage boys in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The young boys in the group home who have spent their childhoods living on the streets or in impoverished homes are now learning to become Christian leaders. I fell in love with the boys there and started visiting Micah a few times a week to hang out and get to know the ministry more.
After finishing my two-year contract with IST I felt called to join Micah full time as a missionary. The thought of being a missionary never crossed my mind, but God had put it on my heart and provided stepping-stones along the way. It was a little scary a first, but God has been by my side every step of the way. I often think back to the days I spent at high school weeks at Arcadia and the challenges that were placed before us to really live out our faith and make it real to us. That has been one of my goals in working as a missionary with Micah.

At the Micah Project, we all wear many different hats. Some of my responsibilities include being a caregiver in the Micah House, a teacher in our home-schooling program, assisting with our street outreach team and our ministry to the moms of the Micah boys. Our days are busy and our weeks are long.
I have been to Arcadia all but one of my 26 years of life. I grew up a family camper [parents are Stan and Sally Scheumann of Fort Wayne, IN] with dreams of being on staff one day. Those dreams came true in 2005 when I began my first summer as a member of the kitchen staff.

I also worked 2006 and 2007 in the kitchen. It was during those summers on staff that I formed lasting relationships and found some of my best friends. As it turns out three of my former roommates have become missionaries as well, in Africa, China, and Cambodia. We have been able to share struggles, joys, and stories of living and working outside the United States.
Camp Arcadia will always hold a special place in my heart. It’s often the place that I picture when I am having a rough day and need to “escape” from reality. It’s the perfect picture of peace, tranquility, and heaven. Even though I am thousands of miles away from the sandy beaches of RKD, it will always be a source of renewal and encouragement for my faith… Arcadia the best camp of all!
Your prayer support for Megan and the Micah Project is greatly appreciated. Tax-deductible donations to support Megan’s teaching/missionary work can be made to:
World Outreach Ministries
PO Box B
Marietta, GA 30061
Reference #84- Megan Scheumann
To make a secure online donation to support Megan, visit the www.worldoutreach.org website, click Donate –> Donate Online –> Missionary Support and then select “Scheumann, Megan-Honduras”.
Learn more about the Micah Project at http://www.micahcentral.org/
Megan will also add you to her newsletter list if you ask by emailing her at megan.scheumann @ gmail.com
One Response
Great message and testimony Megan. Thanks for sharing.