The LCA is calling for nominations of individuals interested in serving on the LCA Board of Directors. The LCA nominations committee will be accepting nominations for the slate through April 30, 2023.
Nominate Yourself or a Fellow LCA Member
The Lutheran Camp Association is governed by an 11-member board of directors which is made up of nine elected LCA members and two ACCA board members. Each fall at the LCA annual meeting, the LCA membership elects three individuals to serve on the board for a three year term. The ACCA representatives are separately elected or appointed by the Arcadia Cottage Colony Association as determined by the LCA bylaws.

An elected LCA board member serves – at minimum – a three year term and may serve three consecutive terms for a total of nine years. Based on the on-boarding and learning curve, it’s beneficial to the board for someone to serve more than one term. It is expected that a board member attends three scheduled in-person board meetings each year, in addition to Zoom sessions as needed (usually 3-4 per year).
After nomination, the nominee can expect contact from a member of the Nominations Committee to offer more detailed information about service on the board and follow up on their interest and qualifications.
The LCA nominations committee is in place to assess the needs of the board and determine the best candidates for the slate, making sure that the board is representative of the full range of the Camp Arcadia experience. This year’s committee will consist of two board members (Ali Franke and Kate List) and three LCA at-large members: Susan Spagnuolo, Phil Jones and Loren Andersen.
The LCA Board of Directors recently voted to have an equal number of candidates as positions on the 2023 slate. The decision was made with several factors in mind. For a high functioning board, the retention of incumbents is critical to its success. Additionally, it is becoming best practice for successful nonprofits to move toward uncontested elections in order to attract and retain qualified candidates. This decision allows the nominating committee to reflect on the needs of the board (expertise, experience, etc.) and strategically select candidates who meet those needs in order to help Camp achieve its mission.
For more information on the nominations process, reach out to nomination committee chairperson Ali Franke.