LCA Annual Meeting Update: Longest Season Ever, Electronic Voting and Authority to Purchase Property
by Kathy Allen, LCA Board President
A total of 387 voting membership units were assembled in person and by proxy at the Lutheran Camp Association (LCA) Annual Meeting on Saturday, November 2, 2013 at the Boulevard Inn in St. Joseph, Michigan. With a quorum present, the membership re-elected Becky Zacharias to a second term on the board and elected Mark Jaeger and Stan Scheumann as new board members for three-year terms.
Those assembled also voted unanimously to approve a motion authorizing the potential purchase of a designated parcel of land located near Camp for a price not to exceed a specified dollar amount. Though there are no plans for such negotiation, the board brought the question to the group to provide greater agility to enter into discussions should the property become of interest. LCA bylaws require membership authorization for all property purchases. The board shared several possible uses for the property, including potential lodging, resale to those with adjoining property and the buffer it would provide from Lake Street activity.
In her summary remarks, LCA President Kathy Allen provided an update on board activity during a very busy and positive year at Camp with strong guest numbers and financial performance. Remaining committed to well representing LCA members in its work, the board conducted several initiatives in 2013 to gain input from members. Kathy shared the board’s newly revised vision statement, which focuses on program, relationships, facilities and value. An update to the Town Cottager policy, the launch of the Foundation’s Legacy Builders planned giving effort and a program that elevates the role of ACCA volunteers at Camp were among the accomplishments in 2013. Strategic planning, electronic voting, facility enhancements and the Camp’s 100th anniversary in 2022 are a few of the things remaining on the board’s agenda going forward.
Kathy recognized and thanked Martha Dourson, LCA president from 2006 – 2012, and board member Tom Johnson for their significant contributions to Camp. Martha retires from the board after serving three full terms (the limit), Tom after serving two.

In his report, Camp Executive Director Chip May (who turned 40 the day of the meeting), noted that the 2013 season, which closed November 3, was the longest on record. He thanked all staff, with special recognition for end of season workers including Bill Boyce, the Hesskamps, Dorothy Zahora and many others. Highlights of 2013 include rejuvenated nature and morning youth programs, continued enhancements to the Camp-Village of Arcadia relationship, two new and successful fall confirmation retreat weekends, the new Map Room/Hospitality Room off the Inn lobby, a new oven, the archive’s Weiherman era exhibit and two October weddings. Donations this year were generous and guest surveys continue to be extraordinarily positive. Chip noted that his three-month sabbatical begins in mid-November.
Treasurer Chris Schumann and Accountant Norm Ulbrich reported a positive financial picture. Cash balances, investment income and surplus from operations are healthy and Camp has no debt at this time.
David Wilkins, reporting for ACCA, shared the new Colburn cottage was completed. Dave and Carol Weber highlighted the structured volunteering activities of cottagers at Camp this summer, namely helping with the morning youth program, carnival, welcoming guests, and archives.
The move to electronic voting starting with the 2014 board election continues to unfold, Martha Douson reported. Consent forms were mailed to all LCA members and about a third have replied. While paper ballots will still be an option, it is anticipated that electronic voting will enable many more LCA members to participate directly in voting.
The meeting adjourned at 12:22 p.m. Following the meeting, the LCA board met and re-elected Kathy Allen as president, Chris Schuman as treasurer and Bill Beck as secretary. George Wotjan was elected vice president. The 2014 meeting will be held Saturday, November 1.