Camp Arcadia just completed the longest season in its 91 year history! Part of the reason for the extended season was the addition of two Fall Confirmation Retreats for 7th and 8th grade confirmation students and their leaders.
Camp Arcadia is particularly excited to offer these new retreat because they provide the opportunity to connect directly to congregational ministries. As Program Director Kyle DeWees explains, “The youth of our church are the future. Camp Arcadia is grateful to be able to partner with local congregations by providing a place for [youth] to learn and grow in their faith. Camp could never replace one’s home congregation – we certainly don’t want to try. However, a retreat at Camp Arcadia does offer some unique learning, fellowship, and growth opportunities. We are confident that both congregational and camping ministries are enriched by this type of retreat… plus they are just plain fun!”
In partnership with the Michigan District of the LCMS, Camp Arcadia provided the opportunity for church confirmation groups to come and enjoy a weekend of quality teaching, fun, and fellowship.
The first retreat was led by Pastor Scott Giger with worship leader Victor Minetola (both from University Lutheran Chapel, Ann Arbor). The second retreat was led by Pastor Gabe Kasper (ACTS Church, Austin, TX) and Tom O’Neil (Minneapolis, MN).
The leaders of both weekends taught the confirmands that faith, scripture, and grace are key “building blocks” of one’s faith. In addition, all participants were reminded of Christ’s awesome sacrificial love for each of us and that our identity is found in Jesus and His resurrection.
Camp Arcadia staff sincerely thank all participants for attending — we hope to see you again next year! Current 8th graders, don’t worry! We’d love to see you at the Alpha Teen Retreat in June to celebrate your recent confirmation.
Do you know a confirmation class that would enjoy attending this fun and influential retreat? The dates for the 2014 Fall Confirmation Retreats are Oct. 3-5 and Oct. 17-19. Click here for more information.