Written by Rev. Chris Paavola
Empty isn't usually a word we associate with good things.
Like when the gas tank is empty, or when the bank account is empty, or when my kids put an empty cereal box back in the cabinet. (I don’t know why they do that.)
Christians, however, have historically used a season called Lent to reclaim empty as a good thing. While the world chases after full stomachs and full houses, Christians spend the 40 days leading up to Easter giving up pleasures like chocolate or television or red meat to remind ourselves the things of this world are empty without Christ.
But spending our springtime giving up things and pursuing emptiness also helps us identify with Christ who, as we read in Philippians 2:7, “emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant.” But the “emptiness” of Christ extends beyond his birth, throughout his life, all the way to the Passion account we read during Lent — He empties his majesty when he rides on a humble donkey into Jerusalem. He empties his power when he’s chained before Caiaphas. He empties his will when he dies on a cross in our behalf. Culminating in the great emptiness of a tomb, when Christ redeemed us from “the empty things of this world.” (1 Peter 1:18-19)
This Lenten season, whether you give up gossiping or glasses of wine or something else entirely, do it for more than an exercise in misery. Do it in grateful response to Christ, who emptied himself until the tomb was empty in your behalf. When you do, you’ll experience a “fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13) and a “life to the full” (John 10:10) that can only be found after the empty.

Rev. Chris Paavola serves as Senior Pastor of St. Mark Lutheran Church in Battle Creek, MI. He and his wife, Ashley Paavola (Director of Youth and Family Ministry), will serve as Dean & Lecturer for Family Week 8 (August 10-16) – and there is still space available to join them on the shores of Lake Michigan. Learn more or register by visiting our website.