10 Things That Are Your Fault

It’s all your fault. Yep, you read that right. Because of your prayers, gifts, hard work and participation Camp Arcadia’s ministry has been sustained and strengthened for over a 100 years. God has worked through you and generations of Arcadians to make Camp Arcadia a place of refuge and renewal for thousands of people each […]
The gift of Camp: A place of healing and acceptance

Michelle Hanafee’s workplace is not the typical office space filled with fluorescent lights and cubicles. As an international flight attendant, Hanafee spends workdays in the sky and places near and far. But for Hanafee, Camp is an irreplaceable refuge. “With my work, I’ve been all over the world and I’ve just never experienced a place […]
Remembering Walt by Chip May

“Strawberries, Lord, my they’re tasty, Amen!” This is just one of many memorable prayers that Pastor Walt Schoedel shared at Camp Arcadia. Walt passed away on November 9 at the age of 97. Rev. Schoedel was a pastor, teacher, administrator, consultant and author during his 70+ years of ministry. At Camp Arcadia he was a […]
We love thee, RKD: I’m thankful for Camp because…

The holiday season is a great time to reflect on God’s goodness in our lives. With Thanksgiving right around the corner, these campers took some time to count the blessings that God has given them through Camp. “I’m thankful for… FRIENDSHIPS “Some of the most important relationships to me are the ones started at Camp […]
The Spirit Orchard: An Excerpt from Days Filled with Sunshine

Perhaps you’ve walked through the doors in the back of the Assembly hundreds of times – and perhaps you’ve noticed the dedication of the room as “Caemmerer Hall.” But do you know who Rev. Dr. Richard Caemmerer was? Dr. Caemmerer—“Doc” to Arcadians—served as a dean at RKD for fifty-one years. He taught homiletics (the art […]