$75,000 Matching Opportunity for New Spirit of Arcadia Gifts and Pledges

You can help Camp Arcadia’s ministry continue to thrive and be here for generations to come by supporting the Spirit of Arcadia Campaign. The goal for Stage One of The Spirit of Arcadia Campaign’ is $3 million. To date $2.45 million has been pledged or donated, and $1.37 million has been received as of April […]
Spirit of Arcadia Webinar: April 10, 2018
Did you miss the Spirit of Arcadia Update Webinar last week? Here is the recorded webinar. The live chat question and answer feature is no longer available, but if you have questions, please email Chip@camp-arcadia.com or call the office at (231) 889-4361.
Beach Project – Work Begins!
Updated plans for the beach project. We have exciting news to share with you. We have begun construction on the beach project! To keep all of the Camp Arcadia community up-to-date, below are updates on the projects, and the campaign goals and progress. Also there will be a webinar in April where you can learn […]
Omega Week Openings Available to High School Seniors!
Attn: Graduating High School Seniors! There are still a limited number of spaces available in the 2018 Omega Teen Retreat! We want to give as many teens as possible the opportunity to attend and so we are opening up these spaces to graduating High School Seniors! Here are the important details: Omega Teen Retreat Dates are June […]
Beach Permit Received – Work to Begin Soon
This past Friday we received an approved permit from the U.S. Army Corps. This along with the one already obtained from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality a few months ago, will allow Camp to begin work on the beach project soon. It definitely took longer than we had hoped to receive the permit, but […]