The Golf and the Gospel Podcast

Check out this 20 minute interview that Chip May had with Pastor Dave Marth.  Pastor Marth, from Historic Trinity Lutheran Church in St. Louis, MO, was the Dean for Golf & The Gospel retreat – June 5 – 11, 2010.  During the week he led the group through portions of the Old Testament and explored […]

Staff Intros

Have you ever wanted to see behind the scenes here at Camp Arcadia? Well here is your chance for a quick peak into the jobs of those who are not always in the lime light.

Camp Arcadia’s New Look!

Camp Arcadia’s John Jass wrapped up the work weekend by installing the brand new sign with Camp’s new logo. The new sign gives camp a completely new look as you enter. The new logo was designed by Jon Maue. It includes remnants of years past at Arcadia by incorporating the Walther League’s Star. A preview […]

Annual Staff Hike

Every year during the staff training period we try to bond together as a community. We try to come together and form long lasting relationships that help us to keep the atmosphere at camp light and fun. Part of the time we spend together as a community is an annual hike. Every year we hike […]

Opening Work Weekend

We had a great turn out for Camp’s opening work weekend.  We had over 150 people working hard to get Camp cleaned up and ready for the season.  The weather was great 75 degrees and sunny!  Check out this video. Keep up with the site for more videos and podcasts! Subscribe to our youtube channel […]