New Videos and Podcasts!

We had a lot of content go online this past weekend. We had two podcasts one from Family Week #6 with Dave Maier and Paul Maier and the other from Family Week #7 with Rob Rimbo and Carl Schalk. You can listen to all the podcasts on our multimedia page by clicking here. We also […]

Need Staff for End of Season

Hey everyone, Camp is looking for staff for the the weeks of August 14 – 21, 21 – 28 and 28 – Sept. 3. The spots I have open are in the kitchen, housekeeping and program. Email me using this contact form if you are interested in working one or more weeks.  Check out the application here.  I also […]


Keep an eye out for new podcasts every week! This week we are featuring our Dean’s from the Family Week of July 10th through the 17th, Ron Glusenkamp and Peter Mayer speak with our Director Chip May. Make sure you always look for new videos on our YouTube channel as well by clicking here here.

New Podcasts

Make sure you check out our weekly Podcast posts on our Multimedia page beneath the “Coming to Arcadia” tab. If you have issues listening to the podcasts or would simply like to leave a comment for the Dean feel free to at any time and we will pass the kind words on to them! Have […]

Multimedia and You

Camp Arcadia as you may or may not know has a multimedia page on which we feature podcasts recorded on a weekly basis. There you can listen to all the podcasts from Teen Weeks along with select lessons from Family Weeks and interviews with the Deans. If you go to the Coming to Arcadia tab […]