Do you have a will? It is a basic question, but one that many people prefer to not answer. We don’t like to think about our will because we don’t like to think about life after we are gone.
The sad reality that as many as 60% of Americans don’t have a valid will. A will is an important final way to tell family and charities what is most important to you.
A will simply directs those we leave behind how to divide up what is left. When instructions aren’t given, chaos can ensue. That is when relatives fight with each other and tension enters relationships.
A will can also be a statement of what was important to you. It can be a final way to teach your kids that they were important to you, but so were some ministries that are making a difference in the world.

Contact your attorney to make a will or to add a codicil to your will to include Camp Arcadia. Camp Arcadia, unless otherwise directed, will place gifts received through wills into the Camp Arcadia Foundation. This Foundation will enable Camp to keep fees low, launch new programs, and care for facilities. Your gift will qualify you to join the Camp Arcadia Legacy Society.
To learn more about how to include Camp Arcadia in your planned giving, contact Chip May at the Camp Arcadia office.