More Than A Great View: The Brunes’ Camp Arcadia Story

In the days leading up to their first trip to Camp Arcadia, Allison and John Brune were starting to question their decision to spend the week. Though a good friend of theirs had been telling them how great Camp was, she couldn’t describe exactly what it was about Arcadia that was so awesome. They found themselves hesitant as the idea of the stereotypical “church camp” crept into their minds, but they decided to give it a try nonetheless. “Worst case scenario, it would have a great view,” John said.

The Brunes’ week at Camp Arcadia turned out to be much more than just a great view. The family of seven appreciated the relaxed atmosphere of Camp. John and Allison loved that their five kids could run off with new friends and spend the week learning from great mentors.

When asked what his favorite thing about Camp was, John’s immediate answer was the staff. “They were incredible!” he said. “It was such a pleasure to watch our kids look up to these young men and women as role models.” The summer staff’s service played a big role in the Brunes’ Arcadia experience. Allison appreciated not having to lift a finger at meal times and the family loved spending time in the Trading Post.

“It was such a pleasure to watch our kids look up to these young men and women as role models.”

Another highlight of the Brune family’s week was spiritual growth. The Dean’s program exceeded John and Allison’s expectations. “It blew me away,” said John, “My wife and I certainly left with a newfound hunger for God’s word.” The family found the closing service particularly moving, describing the final worship setting as “an incredible way to close out the week, albeit difficult to leave.”

The Brunes’ week at Camp Arcadia is not one they will soon forget, and they look forward to their next visit: “We intend to return year after year from here on out!”

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