New Life Through the Waters of Baptism
Baptism is miraculous and wonderful no matter where it happens, but there’s something beautiful about being able to choose a special location for the celebration of new life in Christ!
At Camp Arcadia, we are regularly blessed with the gift of hosting baptisms. Whether infants or new believers, in the waters of baptism, we are welcomed into God’s family.

This past summer, the Sharpe family celebrated Alexander’s baptism at the Chapel on the Beach. Katie (Flachsbart) Shape recounts:
“When my daughter was going through cancer treatment three years ago, we didn’t think we’d be able to travel…” but after wrapping up treatment, they were able to travel just in time to join Katie’s family in Arcadia.
“When we took our daughter to Camp, it was truly the first time we had seen pure joy on her face in months. She was able to enjoy the outdoors and family and act like a normal child. A few years later, that is the reason we chose to baptize Alex there. We wanted Camp Arcadia to be as much of an inspiring place for him as it is for Evie.
Camp Arcadia is such a special place in our lives. It has brought us so much joy and has been such an important part of my children’s life. Baptizing Alexander at Camp Arcadia was such an amazing experience.”

Alex was baptized at the Chapel on the Beach on July 19, 2024.
“Pastor Barrett Grebing asked both sets of grandparents to gather water from Lake Michigan to add to the Baptismal font at the Chapel on the Beach. It was so beautiful and such an intimate moment.”
That truly is wonder-full!
PS: Our thanks to the Sharpe family (Eric, Katie, Evie and Alex) for sharing their story! We’re pleased to share with you that Evie’s cancer is in remission and we ask you to join us in praying that it stays in remission indefinitely.
This story is part of our series, “The 16 Wonders of Camp Arcadia.” Some silly and some heartfelt, each of these big or small wonders invite us to see God working through Camp Arcadia’s ministry!
This is just one snapshot of how God uses Camp Arcadia to bless families and individuals each and every year. We are grateful for your partnership in what God is doing through Camp! If you’d like to join us as a partner in ministry, consider making a gift to Camp Arcadia in support of our mission to provide renewal in spirit, mind and body for each and every guest.