Have you ever wanted to see behind the scenes here at Camp Arcadia? Well here is your chance for a quick peak into the jobs of those who are not always in the lime light.

Remembering Rev. Dr. Paul L. Maier
Rev. Dr. Paul L. Maier, Camp Arcadia’s longest continuously-serving dean, was called home to heaven on February 27, 2025. We
5 Responses
thanks for a preview of the staff that will serving us in a few weeks. We are looking forward to a great time and delicious food at RKD.
really enjoyed our time at Golf and Gospel! loves this staff into! fun times always are there are at Arcadia!!!
I absolutely love my Camp Arcadia updates! Camp and staff look great and very ready for a fun summer. It looks like it’s been a lot of hard work and devotion over the past couple weeks! I had the opportunity to spend a weekend with my sisters at Camp Arcadia a few years ago, and loved it so much!
My sister, Kris Park and her family, (huge RKD fans) spend much of their summers there. You know her, I am sure! Kris used to love the time at RKD to bead and create beautiful jewelry and now, this year… is the, “Crafty Lady” of RKD! You rock Kris!!!!! What a way to serve God!!! Through your passion for creativity… !!
And You have a lot of both!
God’s grace to all,
Laura Link
Awesome. I was a camper, staff member, confirmand councelor in the late 70’s and early 80’s and it is great to be able to have a virtual visit. Have a great summer staff, these days will be some of the best of your lives!!!
Great video Cory!! Can’t wait to be at camp in a few weeks and enjoy family week with the Grebings and the St. Louis crew and Scott Christenson. RKD here we come.