Serve Teen Weeks

What to Expect

The Camp Arcadia’s Teen Week Staff consists of about 16 adults that are hired to manage each of the two week-long teen weeks, Alpha Retreat and Omega Retreat. The counselors (14 people), the Camp Health Officers (1 to 2 people) and the senior counselor (1 person) work for a one week period. Counselors work with groups of 8-11 teens. The Camp Health Officers and Senior Counselor serve all students.

How to Apply

Complete the online staff application, which opens on December 1. The priority application date is February 15, but applications may still be submitted after that date, depending on hiring needs.


  • Camp Arcadia counselors should appreciate the Lutheran faith and be at least 19 years old by employment date.
  • Good health is a necessity in order to meet the demands of a vigorous camp schedule.
  • Counselors should have a desire to serve God in the unique ministry of Christian outdoor camping for youth.

Camp Arcadia expects counselors to adhere to the following commitments regarding drugs while members of the Camp community:

  • No consumption of alcohol while campers are on-site.
  • No consumption of marijuana on Camp property.
  • No consumption of alcohol or marijuana by persons under 21 years old.
  • No provision of alcohol or marijuana to anyone under 21 years old
  • No use or possession of non-prescribed or illegal drugs

In addition to our responsibility to abide by the laws of the State of Michigan, abuse of non-prescription drugs and/or abuse of alcohol have serious and damaging effects on the Camp Arcadia community. Violation of any of these commitments is reason for dismissal from Camp Arcadia.

Each counselor is responsible for a group of 8-11 teens within a spiritual, recreational and social program prepared and directed by regular summer staff. Throughout the day, counselors are expected to be present and actively engaged with their groups during group activities and to seek out opportunities for connection with students during various “free time” activities. Counselors meet daily with the Dean and Camp Staff to evaluate activities, discuss any potential problems and receive encouragement and support from each other.

  • $100 travel expense reimbursement
  • Paid canoe trip when accompanying a teen group
  • Staff shirt
  • Room and board

Counselors should have money for spending money for the Trading Post (Camp store) which offers snacks and gift items. Benefits of counseling during Teen Retreats at Camp Arcadia can include: personal and spiritual renewal, new and enriched relationships with campers and with other counselors, joy and growth through Christian service, and opportunities to experience God’s marvelous creation on the shore of Lake Michigan. Health insurance and medical expenses are NOT provided by Camp for these positions.

During Teen Retreat weeks, counselors, summer staff, Dean and campers form a worshiping, learning and celebrating Christian community. Through their presence and participation, counselors have an important impact on the tone and atmosphere of the Camp. The commitment of each counselor to spiritual growth, Christian worship and service to others is essential. These shared disciplines strengthen our sense of common purpose. Camp Arcadia’s Teen Retreats include daily worship, meditation and Bible study. We believe that living in community is a gift from God; we are thankful for each other. The center for our lives is the Gospel of Jesus Christ which opens us to ourselves, each other and the issues facing all humankind.

Our Vision for Teen Retreats

The role of the Teen Week Staff is to assist, encourage, and challenge teens to live and grow as God’s people in a Christian community. What does that look like?

Social Relationships

  • Small group setting
  • Interaction with a diverse group (a mix of rural, urban and suburban kids) with a common Christian background.
  • Intergenerational mentoring — the counselors and staff serve as Christian role models. Teens today are starved for sincere and intense interaction with adults, and at Arcadia you get a whole week with them!
  • A welcoming and accepting environment that encourages the campers to get to know each other and accept each other as children of God.
  • Participation in fun activities.
  • Preparing teens to face world issues in a Christian manner.

Emotional Development

  • Dealing with non-negotiable rules — healthy structure and boundaries.
  • Living through and beyond homesickness.
  • Dealing with the intense Camp community (living with 100 other teens for a week.)
  • Learning how to react to unfamiliar circumstances.
  • Gaining self-confidence through new activity involvement, and providing safe spaces to be vulnerable and fail.
  • Preparing teens to face world issues in a Christian manner.

Physical Growth Through

  • Eating and positive, nutritious mealtime experiences.
  • Encouragement to participate in all scheduled activities.
  • Learning to do different things: hiking, canoeing, archery, challenge course, crafts, tennis, and volleyball.

Join Our Team

Come work, live, and play with us right on the shores of Lake Michigan! Camp Arcadia has a variety of opportunities to serve God by serving others.