Serve End of Season

What to Expect

Have you always wanted to work on staff, but cannot commit to a whole summer? Are you interested in serving God by serving others? People from retirement age to high school join the ranks of our End of Season Staff to make the Camp Arcadia vacation possible for so many people. Working the end of season retreats can be a very rewarding experience. It’s exhausting, uplifting, fun, and challenging. Positions are available in: program, kitchen, housekeeping, office, and caretaking.

“I love being able to swap perspectives and be the one serving campers instead of the camper being served.”

“It was an absolutely amazing experience serving with like-minded people and making new connections with young and old. The presence and greatness of our Heavenly Father were abundantly evident at Camp.”

How to Apply

The online staff application can be completed any time. There is no priority deadline and positions will be filled on a first-come first-serve basis. An interview may be scheduled by a member of the Camp Arcadia management team – especially for first-time end of season staffers. Confirmation of employment will generally be sent via email.

What to Expect

Our typical dining services workday begins at 6:15 A.M. There are breaks for meals and a short morning break. Most days the staff has a break in the afternoon after lunch until dinner prep. The kitchen staff then work until around 8:00 P.M. with a break for dinner. The rest of the evening is yours, except if you work that evening in the Trading Post serving ice cream (you will usually work twice a week). Other staff members work similar hours. It is a lot of work, but it is also a rewarding way to serve God – and a lot of fun, too!

While most of our positions are in dining services, housekeeping and laundry, we also have a few positions available in program, caretaking, and the office. Please indicate on the application where you would prefer to work. See a full list of Staff Position Descriptions at Camp Arcadia.

Staff are housed in staff quarters located in the second floor of the Wigwam building. The rooms are equipped with single beds and bunk beds, hanging & dresser space for each person, and sinks and mirrors. Down the hall are communal bathrooms/showers. The number of people are in each room will be based on the number and gender of our staff. Married couples will be housed together if possible! Based on each retreat capacity, some staff may be housed in the Inn.

Please consider supporting Camp’s mission even further by applying to serve on end of season staff as a volunteer. Every position posted is available as a volunteer staff position. Our volunteer staff are paid a travel reimbursement ($125 for a weekend retreat, $150 for a week-long retreat), receive room & board and get a staff T-shirt. If you are 16 years old or 17 years old, you must apply as a volunteer. This is also a great option if you’re looking for volunteer hours for NHS or other service organizations. The process to apply for volunteer staff is the same– there is a place on the application to state your preference of serving as a volunteer staff member.

2024 Dates and Compensation

The End of Season refers to retreats from August through the end of October. Below are the various retreats that require End of Season Staff. You may work for a few weeks or just a weekend. Staff that stay between weekend retreats are paid for their work during the week, which is in addition to the weekend salary. Also, there are usually two days off during the week between weekend retreats for staff to explore the area. Learn more about our Extended End of Season Staff Bonus Program.

  • Dates: Aug 3-9, Aug 10-16, Aug 17-23
  • Arrive by Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning possible if arranged in advance
  • Depart Saturday mid/late afternoon after cleaning is finished
  • Pay: $240 plus room, board & tips
  • Dates: Aug 23-28
  • Arrive by Saturday morning
  • Depart Thursday afternoon/evening after cleaning OR stay to work Labor Day Weekend
  • Pay: $240 plus room, board & tips
  • Dates: Aug 29 – Sept 1
  • Arrive by Friday afternoon; Friday evening is possible if scheduled in advance
  • Depart Monday mid/late afternoon after cleaning is finished
  • Pay: $160 plus room, board & tips
  • Dates: Sept 4-7
  • Arrive by Thursday afternoon; Thursday evening is possible if scheduled in advance
  • Depart by Sunday mid/late afternoon after cleaning is finished
  • Pay: $160 plus room, board & tips
  • Dates: Sept 12-14 (WR I); Sept 19-21 (WR II)
  • Arrive Friday afternoon; Friday evening is possible if scheduled in advance
  • Depart Sunday mid/late afternoon after cleaning is finished
  • Pay: $135 plus room, board & tips
  • Thursday evening through Friday afternoon work is available as well
  • Dates: Sept 26-28
  • Arrive Friday afternoon; Friday evening is possible if scheduled in advance
  • Depart Sunday mid/late afternoon after cleaning is finished
  • Pay: $135 plus room, board & tips
  • Dates: FCR 1 (Oct 3-5); FCR 2 (Oct 10-12); FCR 3 (Oct 17-19)
  • Arrive Friday evening
  • Depart Sunday mid/late afternoon after cleaning is finished
  • Pay: $160 plus room & board.

Join Our Team

Come work, live, and play with us right on the shores of Lake Michigan! Camp Arcadia has a variety of opportunities to serve God by serving others.