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Alhough the entirety of this year’s $125,000 giving goal has not yet been met, we are getting closer! Please help Camp Arcadia today by making a donation.
Gifts made now will be matched by generous donors through their $22,000 challenge gift! You essentially with have your dollar doubled.
Thank you to all who have given this year. Here is a list (and some photos) of the major items provided for 2013 that were financed with the $125,000.
- a power generator to keep Camp safe and functioning during a power outage;
- replacement stacking convection ovens in the kitchen;
- a new hospitality counter in the Inn Lobby’s card room;
- new Assembly sound speakers;
- improved sound system in the dining room;
- new archery equipment;
- mountain bikes for Camp’s new mountain biking program;
- a patio ice cream cart to relieve some of the traffic in the Trading Post;
- a new archives exhibit on the Weiherman family’s 40 years of service; and
- scholarships to those that need financial assistance to attend

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