We had a lot of content go online this past weekend. We had two podcasts one from Family Week #6 with Dave Maier and Paul Maier and the other from Family Week #7 with Rob Rimbo and Carl Schalk. You can listen to all the podcasts on our multimedia page by clicking here. We also had a lot of video content go online this weekend to our YouTube Channel. You can now view every video from every Family Week so far this summer. Some special content that went up this weekend was the Choral Evensong Service that happened last Thursday, August 12th. Make sure you visit our YouTube page for all of our videos. You can get to our Channel by clicking here. Thanks for visiting us here on the web! Have a blessed day and check back soon for more exciting RKD News!

Remembering Rev. Dr. Paul L. Maier
Rev. Dr. Paul L. Maier, Camp Arcadia’s longest continuously-serving dean, was called home to heaven on February 27, 2025. We