Staff Wellness

Each offseason, our goal is to evaluate and strive toward improvements to the guest and staff experience. As a result of this year’s evaluation and reflection, we are rolling out several new staffing changes this season. In this third and final update, we’ll share some pieces of our Staff Wellness Initiative – plans we have in place to care for and support our seasonal summer staff!
As we’ve received feedback from our seasonal summer staff over the years, we’ve seen the benefits of investing in their wellness during their employment at Camp. Staff job satisfaction, emotional/mental health, physical health and spiritual health all pay dividends toward a better guest experience! Some of these initiatives are new this year and others have been implemented over the past handful of years.
Staff Check-Ins
Our staff receive a weekly check-in with a member of the leadership staff – summer or year-round – to discuss their wellbeing. This check-in is focused on our RKD dashboard model (Reflection, (K)Connection, Direction) where we discuss how “full their fuel tanks” are as a person, within the community and in their role at Camp (from People Fuel by John Townsend). This check-in is focused on the individual, not their performance.

NEW: KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
KPIs were developed with the intent to provide clear expectations of performance to our summer staff as well as a platform for staff growth and development. KPIs will be used daily during departmental debriefing, weekly for team growth analysis and feedback and as an additional part to our weekly check-in, based on summer staff desire for professional feedback and development.
NEW: Counseling
This season, we are thrilled to extend counseling services to our seasonal staff. In partnership with Lutheran Counseling Services (based in Florida), our seasonal staff will have the ability to schedule appointments throughout the summer to meet with one of two available counselors. Camp is covering the cost of the LCS services for any summer staffer and will help provide time for counseling services – whether through LCS or in continuation with the staffer’s current therapist or counselor. Our Staff Spiritual Advisor (Pastor Ryan Tinetti) will still have available weekly office hours for staffers to connect and/or receive pastoral counseling, as well.
Staff Ministry Impact Team (SMIT)

For the past several years, several staff members have been chosen to serve on the Staff Ministry Impact Team (SMIT) – helping to coordinate staff community events, weekly staff worship, small group time and Bible study. The goal of the SMIT is to create opportunities for fellow staff members to gather in community, reflect and engage in spiritual growth throughout the summer. SMIT works with Jess Knoll, Assistant Director, to plan and encourage staff spiritual self-care throughout the busy summer months.
Prayer Partners
Camp Arcadia’s prayer partner ministry pairs a willing Camp community member with a member of our summer staff. The prayer partner commits to praying daily for the summer staff member and sending notes of encouragement (via mail, email or text) during the staff member’s time of service. This relationship provides encouragement and support to our summer staff members both personally and in the workplace and deepens their relationship with the larger Camp community. This ministry is in its 8th year and is well-loved by many! (Did you see the sign up in the most recent ENews?)
Intentional Time Off
Since moving to the 6-day retreat model, summer staff have additional time off between retreats that is used for staff rest, but also includes a debrief of the previous retreat (reviewing surveys, receiving feedback from management staff and making plans to implement needed changes) and to start each week with small groups that connect in discussion, prayer and encouragement. This year, that time will also offer some opportunities for professional and personal development with continuing education throughout the summer.

This summer, we have also set aside a half day off for each seasonal summer staff member during Camp Arcadia’s Teen Retreats. Traditionally, these weeks have been the most intense schedule for our summer staffers each year. The time off will have minimal programmatic impact, but allow for staffers to rest in order to return to work reenergized and recharged.
One of our organizational values is Nurturing Staff & Volunteers. Without our seasonal summer staff, Camp’s ministry wouldn’t be possible – and, as many of these seasonal staff are the children, friends and relatives of our Camp community, it is incumbent upon us to care for them well. We believe that as we pursue seasonal staff wellness, the guest experience improves, too.
We look forward to seeing how these Staff Wellness Initiatives, familiar and new, continue to benefit our seasonal staff and, in turn, our guests’ experience at Camp Arcadia!