Plans have been finalized and approved for the construction of the new Chapel on the Beach that will be located immediately south of Camp’s vehicle turn-around area. The project is expected to be completed in June, 2012 in time for the first Family Week Retreat.
The chapel will accommodate about 300 people and includes enough seating space for everyone at camp plus many cottagers. In addition to worship, the chapel will be used for the youth morning program, concerts, weddings, vespers, evening campfires and more. The chapel will be wheelchair accessible, have comfortable stadium-style seating and include a robust sound system to ensure each and every program can be enjoyed by all!

Please check back to this website for more details about this project as it progresses. If you have questions, concerns, or are interested in donating to this project, please email executive director Chip May (chip@camp-arcadia.com) or call him at the Camp office, (231) 889-4361.