Call for 2015 Nominations for Camp Arcadia’s Board of Directors and Foundation Committee

The election to choose three members of the Lutheran Camp Association’s (LCA) Board of Directors and two members of the Foundation Committee will be held via electronic voting starting on or before September 30 and at the Annual Meeting on Saturday, November 14. The Nominations Committee is calling for nominations of any member of the LCA that you think should be considered as a candidate.

Board Candidate Qualifications and Characteristics

All nominations will be considered as the Board develops the list of candidates to present to the membership for the 2015 election.

In order to best represent and serve the LCA membership, the Board’s policies require taking into account certain qualifications and characteristics when assembling the slate of candidates to run for election to the LCA Board and Foundation Committee. Qualifications include the following:

  • Regular participants in the worship and educational life of their congregation
  • Good communication skills
  • Visionary outlook
  • Ability to effectively represent the concerns of the Association Membership
  • Have experience with or understand and support the basic concepts of Policy Based Governance
  • Willing and able to support the Strategic Plan of the LCA
  • Are not employed by the Camp currently or anytime within the immediate preceding three years
  • Are not a spouse, parent or sibling of a fulltime Camp staff member
  • Are not the parent, child, sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, in-law, or grandparent of a current LCA Board member

Additionally, policy directs the Board to consider other candidate characteristics, including skills needed to meet current board challenges, as well as diversity of geography, stage of life, relationship to Camp and other factors. These characteristics change each year as members leave the Board and new priorities present for the Board’s attention.

Based on its identified current needs, the Board is seeking candidates with the following skills for 2015 LCA Board and Foundation Committee candidates:

  • Fundraising
  • Communications (writing, messaging, copy editing, social media, graphic design)
  • Marketing/sales
  • Human resources
  • Facilities development or management (disciplines such as architecture, construction, city planning)

Nomination Process

If you would like to nominate an individual to be considered for the 2015 slate of candidates for election to the LCA Board or Foundation Committee, please contact Kathy Allen. Kathy will then forward you a nominating form and related materials, as well as a cover letter explaining the nominating process, the schedule and the election procedures. The deadline for nominating a candidate is July 1, 2015. Nominees will be notified by August 1 regarding whether or not they have been selected for the 2015 slate of candidates.

God’s blessing to each of you,

The Nominating Committee

Kathy Allen – Committee Chair and LCA Vice President

Carla Grebing – Board member appointed by board

Kyle DeWees – LCA member at large

Bradley Scott – LCA member at large

Ex officio: Chip May


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