
We never want cost to prohibit a family or individual from experiencing rest and renewal at Camp Arcadia. Applying for scholarships is now easier than ever! If it is difficult for you to afford to attend a retreat at Camp Arcadia, we have a Scholarship Fund available that could reduce your fees by up to 50%. If you or someone you know would benefit from a retreat or vacation at Camp Arcadia with a reduced cost, have them complete the following simple steps.

  1. Complete your registration as usual (always best to submit before the Priority Registration Date in January!) and send in payment for your minimum deposit, which will only be charged when you are registered.
  2. Complete a scholarship request form (linked below), selecting the level of scholarship that would make the Camp Arcadia experience affordable for your family.
  3. If/when Camp Arcadia finalizes your registration for a retreat or vacation, your scholarship will be applied.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Camp office: (231) 889-4361.

Scholarship Request Form

Employee of a Christian church or school?

Are you an employee of a Christian church, school or camp? You’re eligible for a Ministry Scholarship! Complete the form as directed above and be sure to check the box to indicate that you work for a Christian church, school or camp.

Registration is open!

We started accepting registrations starting December 1st.