Summer Starter

What to Expect

As Camp Arcadia’s first retreat of the season, Summer Starter is for adult guests who are interested in experiencing a more “independent” Camp Arcadia experience. After a buffet lunch, guests can pack a sack lunch with the help of our kitchen staff and head off on their own adventures for the day. After golfing, shopping, wine tasting, hiking, biking or even working remotely at a nearby library, guests return for fellowship hour, dinner and Bible study to cap off the evening. You might choose to stop by the Trading Post for an ice cream treat or marvel in the beauty of the sunset while sitting with new friends (or familiar ones!) on the patio. Our Summer Starter guests deeply value the sense of community during this week – and many attend again and again!

Summer Starter

Cultivating Life
Someone once said, “Everybody ends up somewhere, some people end up there on purpose.” Jesus tells us He came that we might have life to the full. More often than not we are chasing a life that, surprisingly, robs us of true life. We’ll explore the teachings of Jesus on abundant life and experience Spiritual Disciplines passed down through the centuries that allow us to cultivate life rather than chase it.

Rev. Brian West has served as an overseas missionary in Central Europe, urban house-church planter, worship leader, Pastor for Next-Generation and currently serves as a Lead Pastor at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Jenison, MI. He is learning to embrace inefficiency as he follows Jesus. He and Erin, his wife of 24 years, and their two daughters are engaged in living as a messy family on mission. Brian is also an avid cyclist who loves a good fountain pen and a properly brewed cup of tea.

Registration is open!

Registration opens December 1!