Hiring: Executive Sous Chef

Executive Sous Chef (ESC) Camp Arcadia is seeking a food service professional to serve as Executive Sous Chef, supporting strong leadership and maintaining quality standards for food operations at Camp. This individual will report to Chef/Food Service Director, Kyle Toms, and work with seasonal kitchen staff (college-aged individuals). This individual must be willing to train […]

Hiring: Promotional Assistant

Promotional Assistant (PA) Camp Arcadia is looking to hire a Promotional Assistant to help connect the broader community to Camp Arcadia’s ongoing ministry throughout the year via social media, our biweekly ENewsletter, and print promotional materials. Minimum Qualifications Experience with communications and/or marketing Strong writing skills Ability to communicate Camp Arcadia’s mission, ministry and updates […]

The Gift of Arcadia: An Open Letter from Dr. Tinetti to Chip May

In the early ’40s, Dr. Richard R. Caemmerer wrote open letters to Chief Weihermann, which were featured in The Walther League Messenger. (You can find copies of these letters in Chapter Seven of “Camp Arcadia – The First Sixty Years by Frank W. Miller.) At that time, Dr. Caemmerer was teaching at Concordia Seminary St. […]