Family Retreat Lite: Openings

Good News! Everyone that sent in a registration by June 5 got in and we still have room for more! For those that got in already, we are still in the process of sending out confirmation emails. You should receive your confirmation email in the next week. We have room in all of the Family […]
Pre-Order Your TP Merch!

This year we are excited to offer our Trading Post merchandise to the whole Camp community through a pre-order. Here’s a little more information on how this works! Use the google form listed below to pre-order your merchandise. The first section of the Google form has the adult apparel; the second section of the Google form […]
Meet the 2020 Summer Staff
Please join us in welcoming and praying for our 2020 Summer Staff! [su_row][su_column size=”1/2″ Left=”no” class=””]Trent Baty Hometown: Mount Vernon, IA College: Hope Strangest Food You Enjoy: Pineapple on Pizza[/su_column] [su_column size=”1/2″ Left=”no” class=””]Stephanie Boone Hometown: Volo, IL Strangest Food You Enjoy: Pretzels and Cream Cheese[/su_column][/su_row] [su_row][su_column size=”1/2″ Left=”no” class=””]Adam Clark Hometown: Fishers, IN College: […]